Has Any One Heard of Helping Hands International H2i?
They are into humanitarian services. Is a leading NGO from Asia
that has the vision to help the needy and the less privileged across the globe.
It is registered in Nigeria as Helping Hands Club with RC: 1242747.
They offer dual opportunities, vis;
1. Empowerment opportunity
2. Income opportunity
Our product and services includes the following;
Humanitarian services:-
Two (2) person receive$1,000 and nomination for
orphanage home funding via member recommendation.
Trade and skill acquisition:-
Our NGO offers free trade and skill acquisition
on numerous skills to empower all members.
Some of the skills that are usually
available are:-
Computer Appreciation
Graphic Designs
Web Designs
Fish and poultry Farming
Soap and insecticide Production
Paint Making
Bead, shoe and bags works
Car Tracking
Photography etc.
Asset and property support:-
Our NGO offers 70% fund support for member
to acquire any property payable within a 12 months plan.
Financial support fund
Our NGO offers business funds of $12,000(N1.9M)
Interest free and collateral free. And for a project Loan #44,000(n7.6M) for
all members
Scholarship awards:-
Members are entitle to recommend 6 person for
scholarship yearly. 2 of your kids, two of your religious member and 2 of your
community memebers.
H2i is partnering with : Glo, hp, Apple, Hyundai and many more.
What I saw today really amazed me my mentor was given a new
latest Hyundai Elentra car and they empowered 2 people through her with the sum
of $1,000 after she finished stage 3 of the program, each stage come with
different incentives.
With what I saw today in Warri no needs to tell me that H2i
is real or not?
All you need to register is just $40 equivalent to #6,600 in
their exchange rate.
The money was so small compared to what you will gain and
get from the NGO.
For more information you can whatsapp me on 07064203026, BBM
Pin 596D048E or mail me on: oluwasesansolomon1@gmail.com
Here are pictures of today event in Warri.
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