Millionaire beauty blogger says she's so successful her husband quit his job to work for her
Today her beauty range boasts items in Sephora and Harrods and her YouTube channels has twice as more followers than Oprah Winfrey. She is so successful her husband quit his job to work for her but she didn't find it easy.
'It was hard because here’s my husband who was the breadwinner and is now reporting directly to me. In the beginning it was so sensitive,' she admits.The mother-of-one has admitted to having plastic surgeries and she addressed the negative reaction she gets.
She said:
'Like you should feel ashamed for wanting to go under the knife. You should feel ashamed for getting fillers. If I want to look more beautiful, why am I all of a sudden categorised as a certain woman?' She may be top of her game now but she's certainly not resting on her laurels. She said: 'I promise I’m going to own the beauty world. In the way socialising will never be the same because of Mark Zuckerberg, or travelling will never be the same because of Uber, my vision is that the beauty world will never be the same because of Huda Beauty. 'I want to be the Oprah of beauty... bigger than the Oprah of beauty.'
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